An Ultralightweight Course Creation Tool

Instantly Create a Course. It’s as Easy as
Bookmarking a Site.

Use the LearningPath Bookmarklet to just click and save a few URL’s to your new course. You can collect anything – a YouTube video, a webpage, an image, a link to an audio file or document.  Then give your course a title and description, pick a cover image – and you’re ready to share your collection – and expertise – with the world!

Instantly Create a Course. It’s as Easy as Bookmarking a Site.

Use the LearningPath Bookmarklet to just click and save a few URL’s to your new course. You can collect anything – a YouTube video, a webpage, an image, a link to an audio file or document.  Then give your course a title and description, pick a cover image – and you’re ready to share your collection – and expertise – with the world!

Get Started Today for Free

Just click here to get your free account.  You can create and publish a course in less than 10 minutes.  Our pro plans give you some bonus features like more personal / professional branding, private courses, stats, etc – but you can use the free plan all you like to create and share helpful courses right away!

Features That Make Creating Your Course Easy!

Instant Account Setup

Your free account can be created instantly via any social account or your email address.

One-Click Bookmarklet

Just drag the bookmarklet to your browsers toolbar and you can add any URL to a course with a click.


Easy Course Creation

Just type in a name for your course, a short description and pick a cover image. Thats it.

Drag and Drop Outliner

Once you’ve added in some links, easily organize them into topics and lessons.

Simple Course URL

Each course gets its own simple permalink URL so you can easily share, email or text it to others.

Personal Branding

Free accounts show your name, profile pic and URL.  Pro accounts have even more branding links.

You’re the expert! Be helpful!

People look to you as a thought leader, an expert, somone who knows more than others on a certain topic.  LearningPath gives you, a super-fast way to collect and curate a set of links and quickly organize them into a mini-course that can be shared via a single link.  It’s fun to capture and share things that you have learned and that might be helpful to others.

It’s easy to share what you know with the world!

No need for a blog, a website, a newsletter. It’s great if you have one, but the goal of LearningPath is to make it so easy to create and share a mini-course without needing any other tools.  With a single link, you can let the whole world have access to what you know. Anywhere. Anytime. On any device.

User Testimonials

“So helpful to share some helpful onboarding lessons to our new customers.”


“Put together some great resource tools for my college friends on our class project.”


“Great way to share some best practice videos with the team I coach.”


“This such an easy way to share health and wellness lessons with all of my followers.”


Sharing Your Expertise Doesn’t Have to Be Hard.

What you know matters… Your life, your experience, your insights matter… Your one-and-only, unique perspective in collecting and curating the most helpful information, is set free, when you use LearningPath to put it all together and share it with the world!

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn"

Benjamin Franklin

Ready To Get Started?